You are on Team neptune

Welcome to the Dream Quest. I hope you are prepared for heavy questin'.

Dall-E 2 AI generated image of space

Quest GuideQuest Book

  1. For each quest, follow the instructions in the quest book.
  2. You need to submit a seperate "quest completion form" entry for each quest.
  3. Mosts quests only require a photo or a video, some quests also require a short summary or writing exercise.
  4. Once your team has completed the steps for a quest, fill out the Quest Completion form and move on to a different quest. Quests do not have to be completed in order.
  5. Scores will be given for each quest completed. Bonus points are awarded for the first team to complete a quest as well as bonus points for judges' favorite entry for each quest.
  6. Your last quest will be a presentation, where you will share your five favorite quests and pass on all of the wisdom you have acquired while questing. Those directions will be in the quest book.
  7. Your first instruction: Talk to the other travelers, search out your teammates, look for others on team neptune. But do not publicly organize or call out your team name. Judges are watching and if you are discovered you will meet the chancla and your team will be docked points.
  8. Quest Completion Form